Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just a Thursday.

Buddy is getting worse and worse. He can hardly get off the couch at times and then every once in a while he will hobble outside to watch the kids play. He is the best dog ever and love to spend time with the kids even if they are playing with friends and only stop to pet him for a brief moment. He knows he is so loved!

Buddy and Daphne have never fought and he has always treated her like the princess she thinks she is. He will always move over to let her have a piece of food on the floor and she respects his place in the house. I decided to snap some photos of them together and put her next to him on the floor. She went over and started kissing him, he stuck out his tongue to kiss her back. It was really sweet.

Although this is a great picture of them together it is bittersweet. You can see just how skinny he is. Jordan, Madison and I are feeding him off of a spoon now. Whatever we eat we make sure to give it to him too.

Here over his left eye is one of his tumors. It appeared overnight, like most of them did.

"Take my picture!"

The 3 Stooges!

Here is Elliott waiting for the 10th time for me to blast off a hydorocket that NEVER worked, what a disapointment!

I didn' think running down the driveway with the truck was such a great idea and warned him many time, but he assured me he would not get hurt...

Here is the aftermath of running the truck down the driveway. He went face first and skinned himself up pretty bad :-(

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